Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week One Almost Done

Friday will conclude my first week of tracking my media use. It’s been interesting. Without giving too much way, it has been a struggle to keep up with. While I am never on the internet for a long period of time, I find myself continuously connected to the web with 30 seconds here and 10 seconds there. When I am not on the internet, I am thinking about the internet.

I started this project thinking I was not an addict, but now I am not so sure. Twitter was down for about an hour a few days ago and I was shocked at my response. I became nervous and hyper-focused on what I wanted to tweet. It really bothered me. I felt disconnected and alone. That sounds like an addict to me.

Enjoy this semi-humors article: Top Ten Signs You Are Addicted to Twitter.


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This is a blog for (dis)connected, a documentary studying the way we connect with people around us.

The Question: With the addition of social media to our daily lives, are we more connected to each other or are we simply (dis)connected?

The Idea: Follow this question down the rabbit hole in search of an answer.

The Challenge: May 2011 give up social media for one month and see if you become more connected to society or simple (dis)connected.
