Saturday, February 20, 2010

Results of Week One

Well, week one is over and I’ve learned a lot about my Internet use.

1. I am an integrated user. While I never spend hours on one thing, I am always connected and often bouncing around between programs. It is not abnormal to find me surfing the web, streaming Netflix on my TV, and texting on my iPhone. However, five minutes here and 30 seconds there adds up.

2. My social media use tends to correlate with my stress level. I ranked my perceived stress level every morning on a scale of 1-5, 5 being extremely stressed. If you will notice in the graphs, the days were I felt extremely stressed in the morning, where also the days I used social media the most. Also, seemingly unrelated, were the days I received the most email. My internet use stayed pretty consistent, but I seemed to turn more to social media. Is this a coping mechanism to deal with the stress, or simply a search for support? This is something I plan on keeping my eye on in the coming weeks.


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a link to information about the project a link to facts relating to social media a link to the project's blog a link to information for the press a link to information to contact us


This is a blog for (dis)connected, a documentary studying the way we connect with people around us.

The Question: With the addition of social media to our daily lives, are we more connected to each other or are we simply (dis)connected?

The Idea: Follow this question down the rabbit hole in search of an answer.

The Challenge: May 2011 give up social media for one month and see if you become more connected to society or simple (dis)connected.
