Saturday, February 13, 2010

Integrated User

I’ve been logging my media use and have found it to be difficult. Before paying attention, I considered myself to be a segmented user. In reality, I am very integrated in my media use. I often operate in a multi-window browser bouncing along between Facebook, Twitter, email, and other frivolous web searches. This bouncing is making it difficult to accurately track my Internet use. I am looking for programs to help me with this task. If you have a great program, let me know!


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a link to information about the project a link to facts relating to social media a link to the project's blog a link to information for the press a link to information to contact us


This is a blog for (dis)connected, a documentary studying the way we connect with people around us.

The Question: With the addition of social media to our daily lives, are we more connected to each other or are we simply (dis)connected?

The Idea: Follow this question down the rabbit hole in search of an answer.

The Challenge: May 2011 give up social media for one month and see if you become more connected to society or simple (dis)connected.
